Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities

The SAA is committed to the accommodation of persons with disabilities. To this end, we outline the following considerations as best practices to which the organization will make every attempt to adhere:

Conference Hotels

SAA staff will confirm in advance that all meeting locations are in compliance with Americans with  Disabilities Act (ADA), including but not limited to:

  • Wheelchair accessible lobbies, meeting rooms, restrooms
  • Auxiliary aids such as: flashing fire alarm, doorbell, and telephone; vibrating alarm clock; closed-caption decoders; Braille signage; and TDD telephones.
  • Parking
  • Restaurants: All dining areas meet ADA requirements and staff are willing and able to make reasonable accommodations for guests’ needs.

Service Animals

Service animals are welcome at all events, sessions, and venues. The ADA protects the right of people with disabilities to be accompanied by trained service animals in public places. Remember, not all disabilities are visible and service animals are not required to wear special equipment or tags. Service animals are working and should not be distracted without permission.


We will make efforts to accommodate attendees who are sensitive to fragrances by requesting in our program that attendees refrain from wearing scented products.

Sign Interpreting

Members with hearing impairment who will need sign-interpreting service at the SAA annual meeting should notify the SAA Office in advance, but no later than January of the conference year. The request should include a list of the sessions they plan to attend. The SAA will, with the assistance of the Registry of Interpreters, secure the services of appropriate interpreters. The SAA will assume the cost for sign language interpreting services.

An interpreter may also be provided upon request for the presidential address and the annual business meeting.