Exhibitors in Atlanta, 2017
DH Shax: An Open-Source Textbook for Digital Methods in Shakespeare Studies
Vimala Pasupathi (Hofstra University)
Emily Sherwood (Bucknell University)
Heather Froehlich (University of Strathclyde)
Digital Recipes and EMROC
Hillary Nunn (University of Akron)
Rebecca Laroche (University of Colorado, Colorado Springs)
Amy Tigner (University of Texas, Arlington)
The Early Modern Recipes Online Collective (EMROC) is an international group of scholars and enthusiasts who are committed to improving free online access to historical archives and quality contextual information. This long-term project looks to include scholars, students and the general public in the preservation, transcription and analysis of recipes written in English from circa 1550-1800.
Digital Renaissance Editions: Critical Companion and Performance Database
Brett Greatley-Hirsch (University of Leeds)
Sarah Neville (Ohio State University)
Aaron T. Pratt (Trinity University)
Digital Renaissance Editions publishes electronic scholarly editions of early English drama and texts of related interest, from late medieval moralities and Tudor interludes, occasional entertainments and civic pageants, academic and closet drama, and the plays of the commercial London theaters, through to the drama of the Civil War and Interregnum.
Early Modern London Theatres (EMLoT)
Tanya Hagen (University of Toronto)
John Estabillo (University of Toronto)
Early Modern London Theatres surveys, digests and abstracts published transcriptions of original documents relating to professional performance in purpose-built theatres and inns in the London area before 1642. EMLoT identifies all published sources in which they appear, assesses the bibliographic conventions according to which they have been transcribed and edited, and furnishes encyclopædic abstracts of each record.
EarlyPrint: Curating and Text Mining Early Printed English
Anupam Basu (Washington University)
Martin Mueller (Northwestern University)
Joseph Loewenstein (Washington University)
Play the Knave: Shakespeare Performance Videogame
Gina Bloom (University of California, Davis)
Play the Knave is a Kinect-enabled game for Windows that offers users an immersive, embodied experience of staging Shakespeare. Users craft their own production of a scene from a Shakespeare play of their choice, customizing music, costumes, and theater space. They then perform the scene, karaoke-style, using their own bodily gestures and voices to animate their on-screen avatars.
Shakespeare and the Players: Digital Postcard Exhibit
Justin Shaw (Emory University)
Sheila Cavanagh (Emory University)
Shakespeare and the Players is an online exhibition of nearly 1,000 postcards featuring many famous English and American actors who performed Shakespeare’s plays for late Victorian and Edwardian audiences.
Visualizing English Print, 1450-1700
Jonathan Hope (University of Strathclyde)
Visualizing English Print is a Mellon-funded project which seeks to make digital resources, tools, and methods available to literary scholars.