News from the SAA
Virtual Grad Student Symposium: Global Shakespeares (February 23, 2023)
SAA Trustee Patricia Akhimie Named Director of the Folger Institute
SAA Improves Website Accessibility

Our Assistant Director, Bi-qi Beatrice Lei, along with our new Social Media Intern Anna Hegland and our Graduate Assistant Bridget Bartlett, have all been working on making our website more accessible. We are not finished—this will be an ongoing process—but have made good progress. Check out the new accessibility options by clicking on the figure on the left side of the page, including a text reader, a magnifier, and image descriptions.
Membership Survey
SAA Expands Travel Grants for 50th Annual Meeting

This year, the SAA is expanding its grants to allow all members to apply for grants based on post-pandemic financial hardship, the reduction of departmental funding, or boycotts that prevent applications for university funding. Awardees receive $500 in travel support and remission of the conference registration fee if attending the in-person conference, or remission of the conference registration fee only if attending the virtual Pre-Conference. Application portals for the 2022 Travel Grants will open on 1 October 2021. The deadline is 1 November 2021.
CFP: Theoretical Futures in Shakespeare Studies (virtual symposium, 21 February 2022, 1:00 to 2:30 PM CST)
Shakespeare and Social Justice: From Principle to Action, A Roundtable Discussion (22 October 2021, 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. CDT)

A conversation about the place of Shakespeare studies in addressing urgent issues of inclusion, fairness, diversity, and reparative justice in our current pedagogical practices, in our scholarship, and in our lives. Featuring Adhar Noor Desai (Bard College), Hillary Eklund (Loyola University New Orleans), Wendy Beth Hyman (Oberlin College), Kirsten Mendoza (University of Dayton), David Ruiter (University of California, San Diego) and moderated by Julia Lupton (University of California, Irvine). Click here for more information.
Anti-Racist Syllabus Workshop (11 November 2021, 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. CST)

In this hands-on workshop led by Carolyn Sandoval (University of California, San Diego), we will apply a social justice framework to examine our syllabi and the implicit and explicit messages we communicate to students through our pedagogical choices and the content and course materials we choose. In a spirit shared of commitment to racial equity, we will examine and discuss how our course design might unintentionally contribute to educational inequities, marginalization of students of color, and systemic barriers that limit minoritized students’ access to opportunities. We will also share ideas on how to reimagine our teaching practices and redesign our syllabi so that they align with our social justice goals.
SAA Seeks Part-time Digital and Social Media Intern

The SAA is looking for a member to serve in a paid, part-time capacity (approximately 10 hours per week) as the organization’s Digital and Social Media management intern. Click to read the full job description.
Access Meeting Recordings through May 6

Through 6 May 2021, video recordings of the Virtual 49th SAA Annual Meeting will remain accessible to SAA members who have registered for the meeting. If you have missed it, you can still register now.
SAA Seeks Financial Advisor

The SAA is seeking applications for the position of Financial Advisor. This is a non-compensated position, advising the organization and its Board of Trustees in cooperation with the Executive Director and the organization’s accounting firm on investments, sustainability, compliance, and other related issues. For more information, please see the full description here.
SAA signs ACLS joint statement COVID-19 and the Key Role of the Humanities and Social Sciences in the United States
SAA Introduces Two New Awards
Interview Series: Shakespeare Organizations during COVID-19
SAA's Racial Justice Statement and Anti-Racist Teaching Resources
2020 Program Book Available

We are offering a physical copy of our 2020 Program, featuring the full list of everyone who participated (virtually) in seminars and workshops associated with the canceled conference, and acknowledging all those who helped get us through that difficult time.
2021 Seminars and Workshops Enrollment Opens

Enrollment for the 2021 Seminars and Workshops in Austin, Texas is now open. Click to see the full list and descriptions.
SAA Adds New Zero-Level Membership
The Alone Society Dance
2020 Virtual Exhibits

You don't have to miss the SAA Book Exhibits this year. Click here to browse the many titles at the Virtual Exhibits by international publishers and take advantage of the huge discounts for SAA members only!
2020 Meeting Cancellation and Refund

The Board of Trustees voted unanimously to cancel our annual meeting in Denver, CO April 15-18, 2020, a decision in accordance with national public health guidelines and informed by federal and Colorado government actions. Deadline for requesting a refund is May 15. Click here to read the SAA's COVID-19 statement.