Social Media Guidelines

In recent years, Twitter, Facebook, and other forms of social media have become a rich resource for scholarly discourse, opening up the conversation to those outside of the conference’s physical space. That said, many of us are new to social media, and the conventions around its use are still forming. Here are three basic principles for using Twitter and other social media.


Recording devices and Twitter broadcast work and comments that have traditionally been relatively closely held. Audio and video recordings of sessions should not be made or posted without the permission of all panelists or seminar members, ideally secured through the moderator or seminar leader in advance of the session. Any speaker has the right to request that his or her work and comments not be tweeted. Please ask subjects involved before posting and tagging photos.

Professional Tone

Twitter feeds represent an extension of the conference online. As such, we encourage  participants to consider their comments to be public, avoiding remarks that would be inappropriate in other professional spaces.

Fair Quotation

Live-tweeting often represents itself as a transcript of spoken words. Tweeters should be aware of the potential for misrepresentation, appropriation, and removal of context. It is important to attribute tweets with a speaker’s handle or full name (for example, @handle:xxx). Retweeting and favoriting remove tweets from temporal sequence, so it is best to attribute individual tweets, rather than just the first in a sequence.


For the 2018 Annual Meeting the hashtag is #Shax2018.


Approved 26 November 2015

Amended 15 May 2017