Realpolitik in Renaissance and Early Modern British Literature

The open access online journal entitled Literature is calling for papers for a special issue on Realpolitik in Renaissance and Early Modern British Literature. The collection of essays will offer innovative readings of British literature of the Renaissance and early modern period that reflect the influence of realpolitik, especially as embodied in Machiavelli’s writings, and The Prince in particular. Topics of interest for this volume may include (but are not limited to) the following: the depiction of major Machiavellian tenets; the contrasting of the traditional concept of the divine right of kings with the secular view of power; the portrayal of women as astute Machiavels; the concealment of secret plotting through literal and figurative disguises, with the characters who are most adept at dissembling being the most challenging to detect as political strategists; the appearance of Machiavellian strategies in literary works that are not overtly political in nature; the subversiveness of literary texts that explore early modern politics; and the literary depiction of conspiracies and planned invasions, like those occurring in early modern England. The deadline for the submission of essays is April 30, 2024, and the recommended minimum word count is 4,000 words, with no maximum word count limitation. Send a 400 to 600 words abstract to Dr. Carolyn Brown, guest editor, at [email protected]. For more information, consult this link: