Award Winners
Marissa Greenberg (University of New Mexico)
Shakespeare in Activism: Podcasts, Processions, and the Public’s Richard II
Megan Snell (Boston University)
Performing Babies and the Properties of Race and Ethnicity
Rebecca Hixon (University of Michigan, 2023)
“Tell it again, but different”: Gender, Race, and Adaptation in Taming of the Shrew and Othello
Honorable Mention
Jonathan Powell (King’s College London, 2023)
“Scarce expressible in English”: Theatre and the Common Law, c. 1597-1624
John Yargo (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2022)
Saturnine Ecologies: Environmental Catastrophe in the Early Modern World
Hannah Korell (McGill University, 2022)
The Spirit of the Nation: Women and Conversion in Early Modern English Drama
Emily MacLeod (George Washington University, 2022)
Race Tricks: Skill and Spectacle in the Blackfriars Boys’ Repertory, 1600-1608
Nathaniel Phillip Likert (Cornell University, 2022)
Botany of the Mind: Character and Experience in Early Modern England
Bernadette Myers (Columbia University, 2021)
Urban Ecology and the Early Modern English Stage
Nicole Sheriko (Rutgers University, 2021)
Imitating Difference: Renaissance Entertainment Culture and the Ethics of Popular Form
Honorable Mention:
Emily R. Lathrop (George Washington University, 2021)
Paratheatrical Shakespeare: Audience Engagement, Universality, and the Shakespeare Industry in the United States
Harry R. McCarthy (University of Exeter, 2019)
Boy Actors on the Early Modern English Stage: Performance, Physicality, and the Work of Play
Will Steffen (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2019)
Globalizing Nature on the Shakespearean Stage
Andrew S. Keener (Northwestern University, 2018)
Staging Worlds of Words: Cosmopolitan Vernaculars in English Renaissance Drama
Amanda Zoch (Indiana University, 2018)
Pregnant Self-Fashioning: The Narrative Management of Maternity in Early Modern Drama and Women’s Writing
Honorable Mention:
Lenora Bellee Jones-Pierce (Emory University, 2018)
Able Verse: Disability and the Lyric in Early Modern English Literature
Noémie Ndiaye (Columbia University, 2017)
Marking Blackness: Embodied Techniques of Racialization in Early Modern European Theatre
Honorable Mention:
Heidi Craig (University of Toronto, 2017)
A Play without a Stage: English Renaissance Drama, 1642-1660
Rebecca Fall (Northwestern University, 2016)
The Nonsensical Renaissance: On Not Making Sense in Seventeenth-Century England
Honorable Mention:
John Kuhn (Columbia University, 2016)
Making Pagans: Theatrical Practice and Comparative Religion in Early Modern England
Carla Della Gatta (Northwestern University, 2015)
Shakespeare and Latinidad: The Staging of Intracultural Theatre
Honorable Mention:
Emily Shortslef (Columbia University, 2015)
Weeping, Wailing, Sighing, Railing: Shakespeare and the Drama of Complaint
Debapriya Sarkar, “Possible Knowledge: Forms of Literary and Scientific Thought in Early Modern England” (Hendrix College, 2014)
Claire M. L. Bourne (University of Pennsylvania, 2013)
“A Play and No Play”: Printing the Performance in Early Modern England
Honorable Mentions:
Jennifer Linhart Wood (The George Washington University, 2013)
Sounding Otherness in Early Modern Theater and Travel Writing
Stephen Spiess (University of Michigan, 2013)
Shakespeare’s Whore: Language, Prostitution, and Knowledge in Early Modern England
Matthew J. Smith (University of Southern California, 2012)
Stage, Cathedral, Wagon, Street: The Grounds of Belief in Shakespeare and Renaissance Performance
Honorable Mentions:
Eleanor Decamp (University of Oxford, 2012)
Performing Barbers, Surgeons and Barber-Surgeons in Early Modern English Literature
Scott Trudell (Rutgers University, 2012)
Literary Song: Poetry, Drama and Acoustic Performance in Early Modern England
Katherine Steele Brokaw (University of Michigan, 2011)
Tudor Musical Theater: Staging Religious Difference from Wisdom to The Winter’s Tale
Honorable Mentions:
Tara Lyons (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2011)
English Printed Drama in Collection Before Jonson and Shakespeare
Suparna Roychoudhury (Harvard University, 2011)
Shakespearean Phantasms: Theories of Imagination in English Renaissance Culture
Virginia Strain (University of Toronto, 2010)
Perfecting the Law: Legal Reform and Literary Forms in the 1590s and 1600s
Honorable Mentions:
Brian Chalk (Manhattan College, 2010)
“Raptures of Futurity”: Monumentality and the Pursuit of Posterity in Early Modern Drama
Andrew D. McCarthy (University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, 2010)
Mourning Men in Early English Drama
Adam G. Hooks (Columbia University, 2009)
Vendible Shakespeare
Gavin Paul (University of British Columbia, 2008)
The Imprints of Performance: Editorial Mediations of Shakespeare’s Drama
Honorable Mention:
Rob Carson (University of Toronto, 2008)
Digesting the Third: The Reconfiguring Binaries in Shakespeare and Early Modern Thought
Christopher Crosbie (Rutgers University, 2007)
Philosophies of Retribution: Kyd, Shakespeare, Webster, and the Revenge Tragedy Genre
Noémie Ndiaye (University of Chicago)
Scripts of Blackness: Early Modern Performance Culture and the Making of Race (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2022)
Emily Shortslef (University of Kentucky)
The Drama of Complaint: Ethical Provocations in Shakespeare’s Tragedy (Oxford University Press, 2023)
Heidi Craig (University of Toronto)
Theatre Closure and the Paradoxical Rise of English Renaissance Drama in the Civil Wars (Cambridge University Press, 2023)
Urvashi Chakravarty (University of Toronto)
Fictions of Consent: Slavery, Servitude, and Free Service in Early Modern England
(University of Pennsylvania Press, 2022)
Honorable Mention
Ben David Robert Higgins (University of Oxford)
Shakespeare’s Syndicate: The First Folio, Its Publishers, and the Early Modern Book Trade
(Oxford University Press, 2022)
Ari Friedlander (University of Mississippi)
Rogue Sexuality in Early Modern English Literature: Desire, Status, Biopolitics
(Oxford University Press, 2022)
Benjamin Parris (University of Pittsburgh)
Vital Strife: Sleep, Insomnia, and the Early Modern Ethics of Care (Cornell University Press, 2022)
Laura Kolb (Baruch College, CUNY)
Feminine Performance in The Taming of the Shrew: Final Speech and Missing Soliloquy
Miles Grier (Queens College and the Graduate Center, CUNY)
Books of the Unlearned: Shakespearean Iconicity and Black Atlantic Critique
Gavin Hollis (Hunter College, CUNY)
Trifling with Catastrophe in King Lear
Benjamin Hilb (Francis Marion University)
In Defense of Caliban: The Tempest and the Myth of the Black Rapist
Claire Hansen (Australian National University) and Michael Stevens (University of New South Wales)
Be Still, My Beating Heart: Reading Pulselessness from Shakespeare to the Artificial Heart
Colby Gordon (Bryn Mawr College)
A Woman’s Prick: Trans Technogenesis in Sonnet 20
Urvashi Chakravarty (University of Toronto)
“Live, and Beget a Happy Race of Kings”: Richard III, Race, and Homonationalism
Laura Estill (St. Francis Xavier University)
Shakespearean Extracts and the Misrepresentation of the Archive
Gillian Knoll (Western Kentucky University)
Coitus Magneticus: Erotic Attraction in A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Christine Varnado (University at Buffalo, SUNY)
The Quality of Whiteness: The Thief of Bagdad and The Merchant of Venice
Honorable Mention
David Sterling Brown (SUNY Binghamton)
Remixing the Family: Blackness and Domesticity in Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus
Honorable Mention
Adam Rzepka (Montclair State University)
How like a god: Shakespeare and Early Modern Apprehension
Honorable Mention
Katherine Schaap Williams (University of Toronto)
Demonstrable Disability
Gina Bloom (University of California, Davis)
Lauren Bates (Oakley House, a high school in Cape Town, South Africa)
Colin Milburn (University of California, Davis)
Nick Toothman (California State University, Bakersfield)
Linda Ritchie (HeronBridge, a high school in Johannesburg, South Africa)
Play the Knave: Exhibitions and Education
Honorable Mention
Alice Dailey (Villanova University)
Chelsea Philip (Villanova University)
The Spanish Tragedy Project Archive
Large-scale Publics Award
Local Publics Award
Honorable Mention
Freedome Bradley-Ballentine (The Old Globe)
Melinda Cooper (Independent Project Manager)
Karen Ann Daniels (Folger Shakespeare Library)
Scott Jackson (Shakespeare at Notre Dame)
Curt Tofteland (Shakespeare Behind Bars)
Praycious Wilson-Gay (Public Theater)
The 4th International Shakespeare in Prisons Conference (SiPC4)
Patricia Akhimie (Rutgers University, Newark)
David Sterling Brown (Binghamton University)
Shanta Bryant (Folger Shakespeare Library)
Noelle Cammon (Heritage High School, CA, Folger Teaching Shakespeare Institute 2018)
Donnaye Moore (Brookwood High School, GA, Folger Teaching Shakespeare Institute 2016)
Peggy O’Brien (Folger Shakespeare Library)
Amber Phelps (Baltimore City College High School, Folger Teaching Shakespeare Institute 2012)
Ian Smith (Lafayette College)
Maryam Trowell (Folger Shakespeare Library)
Folger Shakespeare Library-Reconstruction.US: Black Shakespeare Course for Middle and High School Students
Rowan Mackenzie (University of Birmingham)
Shakespeare UnBard
Honorable Mention
John Gulledge (Emory University)
Kelly Duquette (Emory University)
Mary Taylor Mann (Emory University)
The Puck Project
Honorable Mention
Rochelle Smith (Frostburg State University)
Shakespeare Festival
The Annual SAA-Folger Fellowship:
Alex Lewis (Folger Shakespeare Library)
A Text That Every Man Will Gloss: Cuckoldry, Allegory, and Subjectivity in English Renaissance Literature
The Annual SAA-Huntington Fellowship:
Jade Standing (Queen’s University)
Fletcher and Massinger’s Rollo (Revels Plays)
The Annual SAA-Huntington Fellowship:
Yunah Kae (College of Charleston)
Distinguishing Race: Performing Knowledge in Early Modern Comedy
The Annual SAA-Huntington Fellowship:
Wendy Beth Hyman (Oberlin College)
Shakespeare and the Ingenious Machine
The Annual SAA-Huntington Fellowship:
Lauren Shook (Texas Lutheran University)
A Place at Shakespeare’s Table
The Annual SAA-Huntington Fellowship:
Christine Varnado (University at Buffalo, SUNY)
Queering Birth, Queering Death: The Problem of Life in Literature
The Annual SAA-Folger Fellowship:
Patricia Akhimie (Rutgers University, Newark)
Illustrating Othello
The Annual SAA-Huntington Fellowship:
Andrea Crow (Boston College)
Austerity Measures: The Poetics of Hunger in Early Modern English Literature
The Annual SAA-Huntington Fellowship:
Evan Choate (Rice University)
John Foxe and the Erotics of Historiographic Controversy
The Annual SAA-Huntington Fellowship:
Deann Armstrong (Vanderbilt University)
Strange Times: English Renaissance Literature and the Erotics of the Clock
The Annual SAA-Folger Fellowship:
Holly Dugan (George Washington University)
The Famous Ape
2014-2015 Bogliasco Fellow
Valerie Wayne (University of Hawai’i)
2013-2014 Bogliasco Fellow
William C. Carroll (Boston University)
2012-1013 Bogliasco Fellow
Lauren Shohet (Villanova University)
2011 Non-Tenured Research Travel Award
Paul Dustin Stegner (California Polytechnic State University)
Tiffany Werth (Simon Fraser University)
2010 Non-Tenured Research Travel Award
Erika T. Lin (George Mason University)
Amy Scott-Douglass (Georgetown University)
2009 Non-Tenured Research Travel Award
Cary DiPietro (University of Toronto)
Allison Hobgood (Willamette University)
Vin Nardizzi (University of British Columbia)
Gavin Paul (Simon Fraser University)